Department of Art and Design

Curriculum Leader:

Mrs. Victoria Fishburn (

Departmental staff:

Mrs. S Cole
Miss J Allum

Subject Background:

The Art and Design department seeks to encourage all of our learners to believe in themselves by achieving and enjoying success. Art is for everyone, not only those who are considered naturally talented, since everyone is capable of creative and aesthetic responses to their environment.  We will promote in our learners an appreciation and ownership of our visual culture. We will inspire our learners to develop and hone their own creativity using the process of understanding, making and investigation.

It is the department's intention to enable all students to work to the best of their ability and to gain maximum enjoyment and satisfaction from their work. Art and design encourage individual responses, which are equally valid if they are the pupil's best effort. When pupils are given the opportunity to produce artwork in a creative, organised and well-disciplined environment, their interest, ability and expectations increase.

The KS3 curriculum has been planned so that students get a wide range of knowledge, understanding and skills within different areas of Art and Design. The different projects have been carefully planned so that students build up on their prior knowledge, understanding and skills and make progress throughout this key stage. The projects cover a wide range of different specialisms of art, particularly looking at 2D and 3D forms. All key stage 3 students can experiment with a wide range of skills in Art and Design to develop their own unique style. Students have opportunities to experiment with different materials, media, techniques and processes throughout every project. Students are encouraged to broaden their understanding and knowledge of different periods in history, art movements and the course covers many different artists/ designers that are relevant to their studies. Within Key Stage 3 students are assessed on their Knowledge and understanding as well as their skills within their research, observational studies, design and final outcomes across all projects.

The KS4 curriculum has been planned so that students get a wide range of knowledge, understanding and skills within different areas of Art and Design. The different projects have been carefully planned so that students build up on their prior knowledge, understanding and skills and make progress throughout this key stage. The projects cover a wide range of different specialisms of art particular looking at 2d and 3d forms. All key stage 4 students can experiment with a wide range of areas in Art and Design to develop their own unique style. Students have opportunities to experiment with different materials, media, techniques and processes throughout every project. Students are encouraged to broaden their understanding and knowledge of different periods in history, art movements and the course covers many different artists/ designers that are relevant to their studies. Within Key Stage 4 students are assessed on their Knowledge and understanding as well as their skills within their research, observational studies, design and final outcomes across all projects.

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