St Michael’s Teaching and Learning Vision 


“The quality of teaching is arguably the single most important thing that teachers and school leaders can focus on to make a difference in children’s learning.” 

Robert Coe et al 2014 


To create a Culture of Excellence where everyone has the same set of values and ambitions which drives the development of high-performing and inclusive teaching and learning. 

Teachers will be empowered to: 

  • Research, design and develop inspiring lessons that use the signature pedagogy.  
  • Develop their own CPD and want to share it with colleagues and implement it into lessons .
  • Feel supported to be creative and innovative.  

Students will be empowered to:

  • Take ownership of their learning. 
  • Be proud to be a successful learner.  
  • Make purposeful contributions to their learning environments. 
  • Respond positively to challenges and opportunities.  
  • Be curious, take risks, show a thirst of wanting to learn, celebrate being successful. 


St Michael’s Signature Pedagogy 


What is a Signature Pedagogy?  

A pedagogy is a learning cycle of how teachers teach and how students learn. A signature pedagogy is a consistent lesson structure across a school/academy. 

Why do we have a Signature Pedagogy? 

  • Consistent lesson structure for staff and students. 
  • Consistent use of a language of learning. 
  • Build students’ confidence in communicating about their learning. 
  • Improves student outcomes by using consistently effective teaching methods.   

What is St Michael’s Signature pedagogy?  

A blue and yellow circular design with white textDescription automatically generated 



Students Engage 

Recall/Retrieval/Big Questions/A ‘Hook’ 


Teacher Input 

Teacher Subject Knowledge/Learning Context/ Lesson Objectives 



Adaptive Teaching/ Scaffolding/ Explicit Instructions/Demonstrations/Think out loud 



Reading & Literacy/Application/Challenge/Practice/Group Work 



Links to other knowledge/Skills/ Building up content and skills/Challenge/Wider Applications 



Formative Assessment/ Check Understanding/ Address Misconceptions/ Spaced Learning/ Homework 











How do we expect to see the Signature Pedagogy in lessons? 

All lessons are planned using the St Michael’s Signature Pedagogy. It is an expectation that the signature pedagogy logos are used every lesson within teaching PowerPoints. The logos are there to prompt students to know which part of the lesson is taking place.