Our Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support Team

Mrs C Carey – Mental Health Lead, ASIST Suicide First-Aid 

Mrs K Stephenson - School Therapist, ASIST Suicide First-Aid 

Mrs H Elsherif - Mental Health First-Aider and Family Support Worker

Mr M Gunn - Mental Health First-Aider

Mrs V Abbs - SENDCo

Mrs J Richardson - ELSA Facilitator

Mrs J Mitchell - Emotional Regulation Facilitator

Mrs M Sutton - Thrive Facilitator

We are a Trailblazer School with Alliance

Mental Health help for your Child

How to talk to your Child about Mental Health

Child Bereavement - Support Videos

Child Bereavement UK have identified a range of video’s (see below) which may be useful to support children and young people. Some are older and available through Child Bereavement UK website and some are more recent and have been made in response to the pandemic. There are a lot more available through the website and CBUK’s Youtube channel but seem to be appropriate in the current circumstances.

Supporting bereaved children through difficult times. Child Bereavement UK

Supporting a bereaved child with autism spectrum disorder

Remembering someone who has died

Useful LINKS

Alliance Psychology Service - Trailblazers

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Autism Support

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DAISY CHAIN - To contact the care team, please call 0800 031 5445

Alternatively, complete ENQUIRY FORM and a member of the team will be in touch with you.


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CAMHS - Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service 

CAMHS Resources

Mental Health Crisis

Adult Mental Health


Hand Washing Tips for People With Sensory Difficulties


Mindfulness Colouring

Self-help Guides

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Understanding Self-Harm

Exam Stress

Pearson - Exam Stress and Wellbeing

Place2Be – Navigating Exam Season free resources

Mind – Exam stress information for 11-18 year olds

Anna Freud Mentally Healthy Schools – Academic and exam stress

Young Minds – Exam stress

Ofqual – Coping with exam pressure – a guide for students

Charlie Waller – Healthy approach to exams

Rise Above - Exam Stress? No #problem!

Other Useful Websites

Anna Freud - Offers support and advice to parents and carers

Barnardos - See, Hear, Respond Campaign - Rapid support for children and young people affected by the coronavirus crisis

Bereavement UK - Supporting Bereaved Children

CAMHS - Self-help resources to download to help your child


Hart Gables - To help support Parents and Carers with issues around sexuality and gender

Headlight Project - Teaching Children About Mental Health

Headspace - Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques

Kooth - Free, safe and anonymous support

Mental Health at Work - Supporting Your Mental Health While Working From Home

MIND - For Better Mental Health

NHS - Every Mind Matters (Self-help for Adults and Children)

Qwell - Online Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Adults

Rise Above - Website Created by Young People, for Young People


UK Trauma Council

WeHeartCBT - Resources to help children and young people who are struggling with anxiety including general anxiety  (worry), social anxiety and fears/phobias. 

Young Minds - provide young people with tools to look after their mental health, and empower adults to be the best support they can be to the young people in their lives

Young Minds has a Parent/Carers  Guide with A – Z list of lots of common mental health difficulties such as Exam Stress, Self-Harm, Low mood, Panic and Anxiety, sleep and Low self Esteem and other difficulties.

Useful Apps

Stay Alive App - Full of useful information and tools to help you or someone else stay safe in crisis.  Local resources, quick access to UK, national and local crisis support.

Shout - 24/7 text support for anyone in crisis/feeling overwhelmed. Text: 85258

CRUSE - call 0808 808 1677 for help with bereavement.