The process of changing from one place to another is an exciting part of school and marks a new phase in students’ lives. It marks a part of gaining confidence, developing resilience, and starting something new. At St Michael’s, we support both our students and their parents through the three transition points experienced in secondary education.

We aim to ensure each transition period fuels our students with confidence and self-belief so that they can thrive within the next stage of their education. We will encourage students to develop new friendships, show an increasing interest in school and work, in getting used to new routines and experience a continuity in learning.

The transition periods are listed below:

Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3: Students moving between Primary and Secondary education.

Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4: Students moving towards starting their GCSE/BTEC courses.

Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5: Students moving towards attending further education.

Between Primary to Secondary, we offer:

  • Open Evenings at the beginning of the academic year to invite you into the Academy
  • Transition days in the summer term to experience the school routines
  • St Michael’s staff will visit each Primary school to meet and work the new students
  • A transition curriculum for students to get a taster of what work will look like at Key Stage 3.
  • Enrichment opportunities at the Academy

Between Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4, we offer:

  • An Options Evening for parents and students to discuss with subject teachers about the courses available
  • Careers guidance sessions during PSHE
  • Online videos to show the GCSE/BTEC courses and the careers they can lead to

Between Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5, we offer:

  • Discovery Days to visit local colleges and experience the courses on offer
  • Career guidance meetings
  • Trips and work experience opportunities
  • Outreach events from local colleges, universities, and employers
  • A full revision timetable to support through GCSE examinations

Starting secondary school is a big change. There is a lot to take in, but you will quickly fit into the St Michael’s community.

Throughout this section of the website, you will find all the information to answer your questions.

Your Adventure starts here...


We are St Michael's

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We are Enriched

We are Together

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Updated: 25/05/2023 278 KB

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